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Acquisition Of Shares In Fosta Pte. Ltd.
The Board of Directors of BBR Holdings (S) Ltd (the "Company") wishes to announce that a wholly owned subsidiary company, Singapore Piling and Civil Engineering Private Limited ("SPACE"), has on 13 May 2010 acquired an additional 3.45% shareholding interest in the capital of FOSTA Pte. Ltd. ("FOSTA"), a company incorporated in the Republic of Singapore, comprising 16,383 ordinary shares for a total consideration of S$20,341.20 (the "Acquisition").
FOSTA is in the business of Soil Investigation for land and marine works, Construction Instrumentation and Monitoring, Structural Strengthening as well as Structural Health Monitoring using Fibre Optic Sensors.
Following the Acquisition, SPACE will hold 23.24% shareholding interest in FOSTA and FOSTA will become an associated company of SPACE.
FOSTA has an issued and paid-up capital of S$475,000 divided into 475,000 ordinary shares. The other shareholders of FOSTA are Yuan Xiao Qing and Song Dong Qing, who respectively hold 8.77% and 67.99% shareholding interest in FOSTA consequence the disposal of shares in FOSTA by Seeds Capital Pte Ltd.
All the relative figures computed pursuant to Rule 1006 of the Mainboard Listing Rules of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited for the Acquisition amount to less than 5%.
The Acquisition is not expected to have any material impact on the net tangible asset value and earnings per share of the Group for the financial year ending 31 December 2010.
None of the Directors or the controlling shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct or indirect, in the Acquisition.